cabbage patch
cabbage patch为短语/超纲词汇
1. This cabbage soup is tasty. 这种白菜汤味道好。
2. He just soaked my ankle in some herb and then put a patch on it. 他只是把我的脚踝浸在一些中药里,然后贴上一块膏药.
3. She sewed a patch on the skirt. 她在裙子上缝一个补丁.
4. She was cubing garlic and slicing cabbage into small pieces and chatting at the same time about Auntie Suyuan: 她正在把大蒜切成小方块,把卷心菜切成小片片,同时也闲聊有关素媛姨妈的事:
5. Our dog has a bald patch on its leg. 我们的狗的腿上秃了一块.