
cafe au lait

n.<法> 牛奶咖啡,浅褐色


cafe au lait为短语/超纲词汇
1. The woman next to me in the bread café on 67th Street wants to know how much my baby weighs.

2. He came out of a cafe.

3. He stopped at the window of a brightly-lit café.

4. Directly the bell went, the ten of us from our shop would run the whole of the three hundred yards down the road from our factory to Sam´s café, where old Maggie worked as the only waitress.

5. All of us gave old Maggie a cheer and everybody else in the café joined in.

6. A hush fell over the whole café.

7. It is unlikely that we shall find a cafe there , so let´s bring sandwiches.

8. It was dead silent in the café as Sam walked back to his place behind the counter.

9. For instance, Alex Au, a Stanford Ph. D. from Hong Kong, has set up a Taiwan factory to challenge Japan´s near lock on the memory-chip market.
