call waiting string
call waiting string为短语/超纲词汇
1. Expand your world. Many discoveries in science, engineering and the arts mix ideas from different fields. Consider "The Two-String Problem." 拓展你的视野。许多理工和人文科学方面的发现都融合了不同领域中的思想。以"两绳问题"为例。
2. But other suns, stars as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, and as the number of stars in the universe is so vast, this possibility becomes virtual certainty. 但是,其他的太阳,既天文学家所说的恒星,肯定会有像我们地球一样的行星。因为宇宙中恒星的数目极其庞大,所以存在着产生生命星球的这种可能性是肯定无疑的。
3. Boys and girls were always there waiting for their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, fooling about. 男孩子女孩子们总是在那儿轮流等着压水、休息、交换玩具、争吵、打架、到处闲荡。
4. By the time Ben was tired out, Tom had traded the next chance to Billy Fisher for a kite in good repair; and when he played out, Johnny Miller bought in for a dead rat and a string to swing it with; and so on, and so on, hour after hour. 等到本累垮了,汤姆早已把粉刷权转让给比利·费希尔,换来一只完好的风筝。比利·费希尔干不下去了,约翰尼·米勒把粉刷权买了下来,代价是一只死耗子,和一条甩着玩的绳子。于是买主一个接着一个地来了,时间也一小时又一小时地过去了。
5. C.You call your doctor and ask for pills to keep you calm through the next few hours. c.你打电话给你的医生,要求开一些药丸,来使你在接下来的几个小时里保持平静。
6. But no one made much money on the invention until a Canadian businessman decided to call it a "zipper (拉链)". 但并没有人因此而发财。最后,一个加拿大商人决定给它起命为"拉链"。
7. But this killing leaves him confused—not because it is a murder, but because “good people” failed to call the police. 惟独这桩谋杀使他百思不得其解──不是因为它是杀人案,而是因为"好市民们"没有打电话报警。
8. But after a few years in a system that practically requires people to lie, they become like the one I shall call "Suzanne", a detective in shorts. 可是在这个实际上是要人撒谎的系统里干了几年后,他们就变得与那个叫苏珊娜的人一样了--一个穿运动短裤的侦探。
9. Bits of broken glass, lengths of string, a key to a door long since decayed away, a rusty knife-blade, old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will be, a nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail, a dried flower or two s 碎玻璃块;小线头儿;一扇早已朽败的门上的钥匙;一把锈蚀的刀;一双为某条从来没有、将来也不会有的路而准备的旧鞋;一颗弯折的钉,它所承受过的重量足以弄折任何钉子;一两支干花,仍散发出几许花香。
10. We must call the doctor. 我们得请医生.