1. Economy is one powerful motive for camping, 图省钱是露营的一个主要动机,
2. Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say. 有组织的露营活动的明显发展是否意味着较独立的自我封闭式露营的最终消失,还很难说。
3. That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic, 现代露营装备一年比一年讲究,这对那些厌世嫉俗者来说是一件有趣的自相矛盾的事情。
4. To this pleasure camping gives an exquisite refinement. 因此开车去露营会给这种快乐意识增加一种优雅意境。
5. The opinion does not survive experience of a popular Continental camping place. 但这种说法在受人欢迎的欧洲露营地是站不住脚的。
6. Or those inviting ´our camping friends´ to a dance or a boat trip are printed not only in French or Italian or Spanish, but also in English, German and Dutch. 和邀请露营朋友参加舞会、乘船观光的招贴不仅印志法语、意大利语、西班牙语,而且也印成英语、德语、荷兰语。
7. ´I´m sheriff here. Do you see that notice? It says "No Camping"----in case you can´t read!´ "我是这里的司法长官。你们看到那个布告牌了吗?上面写着´禁止野营´--除非你们不识字!"
8. Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that, 即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
9. Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; 诚然,露营地本身也存在以露营装备和方式取人的势利现象,
10. Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan. 而露营驻地则相反,是高度世界性的。