

美音:[keın ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[keın ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.细长的茎,藤条 vt.以杖击,以藤编制




名词:caner 动词过去式:caned 过去分词:caned 现在分词:caning 第三人称单数:canes


/keɪn; ken/
1 (a) [C] hollow jointed stem of certain plants, eg bamboo or sugar-cane 某些植物的中空而有节的茎(如竹或甘蔗).
(b) [U] such stems used as a material for making furniture, etc 这类植物的茎(用作家具等的材料)
*[attrib 作定语] a cane chair 藤椅.
2 [C] thin woody stem of a raspberry plant 悬钩子植物的细茎.
3 (a) [C] length of cane, or a thin rod, used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick or for beating people as a punishment 竹杖; 藤条; 棍棒.
(b) the cane [sing] (in some schools) the punishment in which children are beaten with a cane (某些学校中)对学生用藤条或棍棒责打的惩罚
*get/be given the cane 受[挨]藤条鞭打
* Many teachers wish to abolish the cane. 很多教师希望废除用藤条等的体罚.

v [Tn]
1 punish (sb) by beating with a cane 用藤条或竹棍等责打(某人)
*The headmaster caned the boys for disobedience. 校长用藤条责打不听话的男学生.
2 (infml 口 esp Brit) defeat (sb) totally 完全打败(某人)
*We really caned them in the last match. 我们最後一场比赛可真把他们打得落花流水.
3 weave cane into (a chair, etc) 用竹或藤等编制成(椅子等). caning n [U, C]
*give sb a good caning 用藤条给某人一顿好打.
1. The boy was cutting a branch of a tree with his knife to make a cane.
    这个小男孩正在用一把小刀削一根树枝, 想做根手杖.

2. The town knew the Southerners and never stopped chewing sugar cane when they passed.

3. Using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear.

4. I remember the bright-red tobacco tin, with a picture of Queen Victoria's partner, Prince Albert, dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane.
