

美音:[´kænvəs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´kænvəs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.细查,讨论,劝诱 vt.彻底检查,细究,向...拉票或拉生意,讨论 vi.游说,拉选票




名词:canvasser 动词过去式:canvassed 过去分词:canvassed 现在分词:canvassing 第三人称单数:canvasses


/'kænvəs; `kænvəs/
1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb) (for sth) go around an area asking (people) for (political support) (在政治方面)游说
*go out canvassing (for votes) (为拉选票)出去游说
* The Labour candidate will canvass the constituency next month. 工党候选人下月将向全体选民游说拉票.
2 [Tn] find out the opinions of (eg voters before an election) 调查(如选举前选民)的意见.
3 [Tn] suggest (an idea, etc) for discussion 为讨论而提出(意见等)
*canvass the idea/notion/theory 为讨论而提出意见[想法/主张].

n act of canvassing 游说; 民意调查; 建议.


[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: canvass 'to throw up in the air from a canvas sheet as a game or punishment' (16-17 centuries), from canvas]
[I and T]
to try to persuade people to support a political party, politician, plan etc by going to see them and talking to them, especially when you want them to vote for you in an election
 Candidates from all three parties were out canvassing in Darlington today.
canvass for
 Chapman spent the rest of May canvassing for votes.
 The US has been canvassing support from other Asian states.
[I and T]
to ask people about something in order to get their opinion or to get information
 Police canvassed the neighborhood, but didn't find any witnesses.
to talk about a problem, suggestion etc in detail
 A committee was set up to canvass the city's educational options .