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careful为小学词汇   词频:1803


名词:carefulness 副词:carefully

近义词, 同义词



/'keəfl; `kɛrfəl/
1 [pred 作表语] ~ (about/of/with sth); ~ (about/in) doing sth taking care; cautious 小心; 当心; 警惕
*Be careful not to/that you don't hurt her feelings. 当心别伤了她的感情.
* Be careful with the glasses, ie Don't break them. 小心玻璃杯.
* Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 留心那条狗, 有时候咬人.
* Be careful (about/of) what you say to him. 对他说话可得小心.
* Be careful (about/in) crossing the road. 过马路要留神.
* He's very careful with his money, ie He doesn't spend it on unimportant things. 他用钱很仔细.
2 (a) giving serious attention and thought; painstaking 聚精会神的; 深思熟虑的; 审慎的; 苦心的
*a careful worker 一丝不苟的工作者.
(b) done with care 精心的
*a careful piece of work 精细的作品
* a careful examination of the facts 认真的核实. > carefully/ 5keEfElI; `kZrfElI/ adv
*Please listen carefully. 请注意听.
* I always drive more carefully at night. 我夜晚开车总是更加小心.


(be) careful!
spoken used to tell someone to think about what they are doing so that something bad does not happen
 Be careful - there's broken glass on the floor!
trying very hard to avoid doing anything wrong or to avoid damaging or losing something
 a careful driver
careful to do sth
 Be careful to dispose of your litter properly.
careful with
 He was being very careful with the coffee so as not to spill it.
careful who/what/how etc
 I'll be more careful what I say in the future.
careful about
 Mara was careful about what she ate.
careful (that)
 We were very careful that he didn't find out.
paying a lot of attention to details, so that something is done correctly and thoroughly
 Any school trip requires careful planning.
careful consideration/attention/thought
 Careful consideration has been given to all applications.
careful analysis/examination/study etc
 careful analysis of the data
careful with money
not spending more money than you need to
you can't be too careful
spoken used to say that you should do everything you can to avoid problems or danger
1. Be careful! Don´t drop it!
    小心点, 别摔了!

2. Be careful !That man is driving like a maniac !

3. Be careful!

4. But he would have to be careful not to offend Crass, the foreman, who could give him the sack at any time.

5. We have discovered that he is quite careful in his work.

6. The article deserves careful study.

7. They went through the rooms, being careful to touch nothing,The chaos was inconceivable.

8. The experiment needed careful observation.

9. They went through the rooms, being careful to touch nothing,

10. Time is given to allow for careful development of answers.
