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cargo为六级词汇   词频:5586




car=car(车),to run(跑)

近义词, 同义词


freight  load  shipment    


/'kɑ:gəʊ; `kɑrˇo/
n (pl ~es; US ~s) [C, U] (load of) goods carried in a ship or aircraft (用船或飞行器运载的)货物(量)
*[attrib 作定语] a cargo ship 货船.

1 Compare cargo, freight and goods *试比较 cargo、freight、goods这三个词. These words are used before the names of vehicles that transport things rather than passengers. They can also refer to the objects transported 这三个词均用于货运的(而非客运的)运载工具名称之前, 也可指所运载的货物
*A cargo plane/ship/vessel carries cargo. 货运飞机[货轮/货船]是运载货物的.
* A goods/(US) freight train carries goods/freight. 货运列车是运载货物的. (`货运'一词, 英式英语用goods, 美式英语用freight.)
* A passenger train sometimes also has goods wagons/(US) freight cars. 客运列车有时也有货车车厢. (`货车车厢'英式英语为goods wagon, 美式英语为freight car.)
2 Cargo [C] can also indicate a particular load that is being transported *cargo还可指所运载货物的量
*A cargo of steel was lost at sea. 有一货轮的钢材在海上遗失了.
3 Freight [U] also indicates the action of transporting *freight也可指运输工作
*We can send it by air/sea freight. 我们可以空运[海运].
* What is the freight charge? 运费多少钱? In this sense freight can also be a verb *freight意为运输时, 也可作动词
*You can freight your belongings by air or sea. 你可把东西经空运或海运运去.


npluralcargosorcargoes [U and C]

[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Spanish;Origin:'load, charge', from cargar 'to load', from Late Latin carricare; CHARGE2]
the goods that are being carried in a ship or plane
= freightcargo of
 A ship carrying a cargo of oil has run aground.
 a cargo plane
1. For the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion.

2. Well, she came with the same cargo she had on leaving James Fort, Gambia River, except that her original 140 slaves had become 98.

3. The dockers discharged the cargo from the ship.

4. Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore, as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.

5. The ship was the Lord Ligonier, which the record says left America with a cargo of rum for the English port Gravesend.

6. The boat had a full cargo of timber, but there was no sign of human life.

7. "You can go through," he said, "but first I'll have to check your cargo."
    "你可以过去," 他说,"但先得检查你的货。"

8. She acquired a cargo of 3265 elephant tusks, 3700 pounds of beeswax, 800 pounds of raw Gambian cotton, 32 ounces of Gambian gold and — most valued of all — 140 slaves.

9. Cargo, ballast ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.
    船上的货物, 压舱物, 弹药以及400 人轰的一声滑到急剧倾斜的船体左舷壁

10. Cargo, ballast ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.
    船上的货物, 压舱物, 弹药以及400 人轰的一声滑到了急剧倾斜的船体左舷壁.
