

美音:[´keməkəl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´keməkəl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.化学的 n.[常pl.] 化学制品,化学药品 n.化学药品


chemical为高中词汇   词频:4501




-ical 表“有关”、“~性的”之意,重音一般在-ical之前的音节


/'kemɪkl; `kɛmɪkl/
1 of or relating to chemistry 化学的; 关于化学的
*the chemical industry 化学工业.
2 produced by or using chemistry or chemicals 用化学方法或化学品产生的或生产的
*a chemical experiment 化学实验
* a chemical reaction, ie one causing changes in the structure of atoms or molecules 化学反应(造成原子或分子结构变化的反应).

n substance obtained by or used in a chemical process 在化学反应中得到的或使用的物质.
1. But even the mosquito has been subdued by attention to drainage and by chemical sprays.

2. The waste of this chemical factory contaminates the environment.

3. The chemical formula for salt is NaCl.

4. There are thirty microscopes in our chemical laboratory.

5. This applies particularly to chemical industries, where chance discoveries play a much larger part than they do in physical and mechanical industries.

6. The paper-making process uses large amounts of water, burns fossil fuels and produces much chemical waste.

7. He is majoring in chemical engineering.

8. He is a famous chemical expert.

9. During a single crucial three-week period during our teenage years, chemical activity in the brain is cut in half.

10. A chemical changetakes place in paper when it burns.
