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chin为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4027


动词过去式:chinned 过去分词:chinned 现在分词:chinning 第三人称单数:chins 形容词:chinless


/'tʃɪn; tʃɪn/
1 part of the face below the mouth; front part of the lower jaw 颏; 下巴
*a double chin, ie a fold of fat under the chin 双下巴. =>illus at head 见head之插图.
2 (idm 习语) chuck sb under the chin => chuck1. keep one's `chin up (infml 口) remain cheerful in difficult circumstances 在困难环境下仍然乐观; 毫不气馁.


[Language: Old English;Origin: cinn]
the front part of your face below your mouth
 He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
(keep your) chin up!
spoken used to tell someone to make an effort to stay brave and confident when they are in a difficult situation
 Chin up! It'll be over soon.
take sth on the chin
to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining - used to show approval
 One of our great strengths is our ability to take it on the chin and come out fighting.
1. The beard grows too fast on the chin.

2. There is a mole on his chin.

3. That version — a tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it — was a self-portrait of Flagg.

4. A common closed position is sitting with your arms and legs crossed and your hand covering your mouth or chin (下巴).

5. She tucked the napkin under her chin.

6. Often people will lean back with their hands over their mouth, chin, or behind their head in the "thinking" pose.
