

美音:[´kɔ:rəs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´kɔ:rəs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


chorus为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5361


名词复数:choruses 动词过去式:chorused/chorussed 过去分词:chorused/chorussed 现在分词:chorusing/chorussing 第三人称单数:choruses/chorusses


choir  group  refrain  stanza  unison  verse    


/'kɔ:rəs; `kɔrəs/
1 [CGp] (usu large) group of singers; choir (通常为大型的)合唱团; 唱诗班
*the Bath Festival Chorus 巴斯音乐节大合唱团.
2 [C] piece of music, usu part of a larger work, composed for such a group 合唱曲
*the Hallelujah Chorus 哈利路亚合唱曲.
3 [C] part of a song that is sung after each verse, esp by a group of people (歌曲中的)合唱部分
*Bill sang the verses and everyone joined in the chorus. 比尔先唱独唱部分, 然後大家一起合唱.
4 [C] thing said or shouted by many people together 齐声说或齐声喊的内容
*a chorus of boos, cheers, laughter, etc 齐声喊呸、欢呼、大笑等
* The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval. 大家对该建议异口同声表示赞成.
5 [CGp] group of performers who sing and dance in a musical comedy (歌舞喜剧中的)歌舞队
*[attrib 作定语] a chorus line (歌舞喜剧中的)歌舞队唱词.
6 [CGp] (in ancient Greek drama) group of singers and dancers who comment on the events of the play (古希腊戏剧中)(为剧中事件作评注的)歌舞队.
7 [C] (esp in Elizabethan drama) actor who speaks the prologue and epilogue of a play (尤指伊丽莎白时代戏剧中)(宣读开场白和收场白的)男演员.
8 (idm 习语) in chorus all together; in unison 一起; 同时; 一齐; 一致
*act, speak, answer in chorus 一致行动、异口同声地说、同时回答.

v [Tn] sing or say (sth) all together 同时唱或说(某事)
*The crowd chorused their approval (of the decision). 群众(对该决定)齐声表示赞成.
1. The children shouted "Yes" in chorus.

2. The children shouted "Yes" in chorus.
