

美音:[tʃʌk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tʃʌk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
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动词过去式:chucked 过去分词:chucked 现在分词:chucking 第三人称单数:chucks

近义词, 同义词

propel  impel  project  throw  fling  cast  pitch  chuck  toss  heave  hurl  flirt  ejaculate  send  send off  fire off  discharge  shoot  launch  release    


flick  fling  pat  pitch  tap  throw  toss    


/tʃʌk; tʃʌk/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Dn.n] (infml 口) throw (sth) carelessly or casually (胡乱地或随便地)扔、抛(某物)
*Chuck it in the bin! 把它扔到垃圾桶里去!
* chuck old clothes away/out 把旧衣服扔掉[出去]
* Chuck me (over) the newspaper if you've finished reading it. 你看完了报就扔给我.
2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (in/up) (infml 口) give up sb/sth; abandon 放弃某人[某事物]; 抛弃
*She's just chucked her boy-friend, ie ended her relationship with him. 她刚刚甩了男朋友.
* He chucked in his job last week. 上星期他辞掉了工作.
3 (idm 习语) chuck it (sl 俚) stop doing sth immediately 立即停止做某事物
*I'm sick of your sarcastic remarks just chuck it (ie stop making them), will you? 我已经听腻了你的冷嘲热讽--别说了, 行吗? chuck sb under the chin touch or stroke sb lovingly or playfully under the chin 爱抚或抚弄某人的下巴.
4 (phr v) chuck sb out (of sth) (infml 口) force sb to leave (a place) 迫使某人离开(某地); 撵走
*They were chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy. 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆.
* He failed his exams and was chucked out of university. 他考试不及格, 被大学开除.

1 playful touch or stroke under the chin 抚弄或抚摸下巴.
2 (idm 习语) give sb/get the chuck (infml 口) dismiss or reject sb/be dismissed or rejected 辞退或拒绝某人[被辞退或拒绝].

/tʃʌk; tʃʌk/
(a) part of a lathe that grips the object to be worked on 卡盘, 夹盘(车床上用以夹住工件的部分).
(b) part of a drill that grips the bit 夹头(钻或钻床上用以夹住钻头的部分). =>illus at drill 见drill之插图.

/tʃʌk; tʃʌk/
n [U] (also `chuck steak) cut2(5) of beef taken from the neck to the ribs (牛的从颈到肋骨的)颈肉.



the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade