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church为中学词汇   词频:444


动词过去式:churched 过去分词:churched 现在分词:churching 第三人称单数:churches

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/'tʃɜ:tʃ; tʃɝtʃ/
1 [C] building used for public Christian worship 教堂
*The procession moved into the church. 人们陆续进入教堂.
* [attrib 作定语] a church steeple 教堂的尖顶
* a church service 教堂的礼拜仪式. =>illus at App
1 见附录1之插图, page viii.
2 [U] service in such a building; public worship (教堂的)礼拜仪式; (会众的)礼拜
*Church begins/is at
9 o'clock. 礼拜仪式9点开始.
* How often do you go to church? 你隔多久去做一次礼拜?
* They're in/at church, ie attending a service. 他们在做礼拜. =>Usage at school1 用法见school1.
3 the Church [sing] all Christians regarded as a group 全体基督教徒
*The Church has a duty to condemn violence. 基督徒有责任谴责暴力.
4 Church [C] particular group of Christians; denomination 基督教教派; 派别
*the Anglican Church 英国国教; 圣公会
* the Catholic Church 天主教
* the Free Churches 自由教会.
5 the Church [sing]
(a) (esp the Christian) religion regarded as an established institution (尤指基督教的)教会, 宗教
*the conflict between (the) Church and (the) State 政教冲突.
(b) the ministers of the Christian religion; the clergy or clerical profession 基督教牧师; 教士; 神职
*go into/enter the Church, ie become a Christian minister 开始担任神职(成为基督教牧师).



[Language: Old English;Origin: cirice, from Late Greek kyriakon, from Greek kyriakos 'of the lord', from kyrios 'lord, master']
a building where Christians go to worship
 a short church service
 church bells
the religious ceremonies in a church
 Mrs Dobson invited us to dinner after church.
 My parents go to church every Sunday.
at church
 We didn't see you at church this morning.
one of the separate groups within the Christian religion
 the Catholic Church
[singular, U]
the institution of the Christian religion, and all the priests and other ministers who are part of it
 the church's attitude towards marriage
 separation of church and state
1. Cars lumbered past Magdalen and the University Church.

2. This canon has been enacted by the church council very recently.

3. The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands.

4. The procession moved into the church.

5. The church teaches the doctrine of free will.

6. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

7. The priest reproved people for not coming to church.

8. The funeral will be performed according to church rites .

9. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

10. The church has a tall tower.
