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circuit为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2549


动词过去式:circuited 过去分词:circuited 现在分词:circuiting 第三人称单数:circuits


it=to go(走)

近义词, 同义词


/'sɜ:kɪt; `sɝkɪt/
1 line, route or journey round a place 围绕一地方的线、路线或旅程; 周线; 圈
*The circuit of the city walls is three miles. 环绕本市城墙的周长是三英里.
* The earth takes a year to make a circuit of (ie go round) the sun. 地球绕太阳一周需要一年时间.
* She ran four circuits of the track. 她在跑道上跑了四圈.
2 (a) complete path along which an electric current flows 电路
*There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路.
(b) apparatus with a sequence of conductors, valves, etc, through which an electric current flows 电器装置
*[attrib 作定语] a circuit diagram, ie one showing the connections in such an apparatus 电路图.
3 (a) regular journey made by a judge round a particular area to hear cases in court 巡回审判(法官定期巡回某地区)
*go on circuit, ie make this journey 进行巡回审判
* [attrib 作定语] a circuit judge 巡回法官.
(b) area covered by such a journey 巡回审判地区.
4 (in sport) series of tournaments in which the same players regularly take part 联赛
*the American golf circuit 美国高尔夫球联赛.
5 group of Methodist churches sharing the same preachers within a particular area (在某地区有同一批传教士的)卫理公会组织.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: circuite, from Latin circuitus, past participle of circumire, circuire 'to go around', from circum ( CIRCUM-) + ire 'to go']
a path that forms a circle around an area, or a journey along this path
 We did a circuit of the old city.
BrE a track that cars, motorbikes etc race around
the tennis/lecture/cabaret etc circuit
all the places that are usually visited by someone who plays tennis etc
 a well-known entertainer on the club circuit
the complete circle that an electric current travels
 an electrical circuit
a regular trip around an area made by a judge or a religious leader, so that a court of law or church can meet in several different places
 a circuit judge
 a circuit preacher
do circuits
BrE informal to do circuit training
closed circuit television, printed circuit, short circuit
1. The circuit of the city walls is three miles.

2. A short circuit will blow the fuse.
    发生短路时, 保险丝就会被烧断。
