




近义词, 同义词


adj thinking or understanding clearly; sensible 头脑清楚的; 明事理的.


able to think in a clear and sensible way
1. Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, as all the houses were built of grey mud bricks.

2. By comparison, nearly half of male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider, nuclear family, where the wife stays home as mother and housewife.
    与此相比, 几乎有一半男中学生表达了他们对传统的、以男人为家长的、只有一个人养家糊口的核心家庭的偏爱,在这种家庭里妻子作为母亲和家庭主妇呆在家里。

3. The fire fighters enjoined the onlookers to stand clear.

4. This point has been made clear in the foregoing chapter.

5. The ship left the island and headed for the mainland.

6. The lesson was not clear and it has muddled me.

7. The postmark was clear. The date was clear too.
    邮戳很清楚, 日期也很清楚.

8. The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake .

9. The serious investor needs a proper ´portfolio´----a well-planned selection of investments, with a definite structure and a clear aim.
    认真的投资者需要一份正规的投资组合表 -- 一种计划很周密的投资选择,包括你的投资结构和明确的目标。

10. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight.
