

美音:[klık ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[klık ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.发出滴答声 n.滴答声




名词:clicker 动词过去式:clicked 过去分词:clicked 现在分词:clicking 第三人称单数:clicks

近义词, 同义词

bang  boom  pop  click  crackle  squeak  grind  rumble bang  boom  pop  click  crackle  squeak  grind      


/klɪk; klɪk/
n short sharp sound (like that of a key turning in a lock) 短而尖的声音(像用钥匙开锁的声音); 咔嗒声
*the click of a switch 开关的 嗒声
* He saluted with a click of his heels. 他立正敬礼, 鞋後跟发出咔嗒一声.

/klɪk; klɪk/
1 [I, Ipr, Tn] (cause sth to) make a slight sharp sound (as of a key turning in a lock) (使某物)发出轻微尖声(像钥匙在锁中转动的声音); (使某物)发 嗒声
*The door clicked shut. 门 嗒一声关上了.
* The new part clicked into place. 新零件 嗒一声就装好了.
* a clicking noise  嗒 嗒的响声
* click one's tongue/heels/fingers 使舌头[鞋後跟/手指]发出 嗒声.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (Brit infml 口)
(a) become friendly at once 很快成为好朋友
*We met on holiday and just clicked immediately. 我们在假日相识, 一见如故.
(b) become popular (with sb) 为(某人)所喜爱
*The film has really clicked with young audiences. 这部电影深受年轻观众的喜爱.
3 [I] (infml 口) suddenly become clear or understood 突然明白或理解
*I puzzled over it for hours before it finally clicked. 我对这一问题茫然不解, 几小时後终于顿开茅塞.
1. The lock opened with a click.

2. I heard the lock click. Another woman had a huge, peculiar animal in her yard.
