

美音:[kɔk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kɔk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.公鸡,雄鸟,头目,(水)龙头,<俚>阴茎 vt.使耸立,使竖起,堆成锥形 vi.大摇大摆地走,翘起




动词过去式:cocked 过去分词:cocked 现在分词:cocking 第三人称单数:cocks


hen  slouch    


/kɒk; kɑk/
1 (US rooster) [C] adult male bird of the domestic fowl 公鸡. =>illus at App
1 见附录1之插图, page v. Cf 参看 hen.
2 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) male of any other bird, esp of a game bird 雄鸟(尤指猎禽)
*a ,cock `pheasant 雄雉
* a ,cock `sparrow 雄麻雀
* a ,cock `robin 雄鸲.
3 [sing] (Brit sl 俚) (used as a form of address between men 男子互称用语) friend; mate 朋友; 老兄; 老弟.
4 (idm 习语) a ,cock-and-`bull story absurd and improbable story, esp one used as an excuse or explanation 无稽之谈(尤指用作藉口或解释的)
*He told us some cock-and-bull story about having lost all his money. 他鬼话连篇, 告诉我们把钱都丢了. ,cock of the `walk person who dominates others within a group 人群中支配他人的人; 头子; 头头. live like fighting cocks => live2.

/kɒk; kɑk/
1 [C] tap or valve controlling the flow of a liquid or gas in a pipe 龙头; 旋塞.
2 [C] hammer of a gun (枪的)击铁.
3 [C] ( sl 讳, 俚) penis 鸡巴.
4 [U] (sl 俚) nonsense; rubbish 胡说; 废话
*a load of cock 胡说八道.
5 (idm 习语) at half/full `cock (of a gun with a hammer that is raised before firing) half ready/ready to be fired (指枪击铁扳开)半开[全开]准备发射. go off at ,half `cock (infml 口) start before preparations are complete, so that the effect or result is not satisfactory 仓促行事; 操之过急.

/kɒk; kɑk/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) cause sth to be upright or erect; raise sth 使某物竖起; 使某物翘起; 举起某物
*The horse cocked (up) its ears when it heard the noise. 那马听到声音就竖起了耳朵.
* The dog cocked its leg (against the lamppost), ie in order to urinate. 狗(对着灯柱)抬起一只腿(撒尿).
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] cause (sth) to tilt or slant 使(某物)倾斜; 歪斜
*She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle. 她把帽子歪戴成俏皮的样子.
* The bird cocked its head to/on one side. 鸟把头斜向[到]一侧.
3 [Tn] raise the cock2(2) of (a gun) ready for firing 扳起(枪)的击铁准备射击.
4 (idm 习语) cock a snook at sb/sth
(a) make a rude gesture at sb by putting one's thumb to one's nose 以拇指抵鼻对某人做不礼貌手势.
(b) show cheeky contempt for or defiance of sb/sth 对某人[某事物]表示蔑视或不屑一顾
*cocking a snook at authority 对权威的蔑视.
5 (phr v) cock sth up (Brit infml 口) spoil or ruin sth by incompetence; bungle sth 把某事物搞糟
*The travel agent completely cocked up the arrangements for our holiday. 旅行社把我们假日的安排搞得一塌糊涂.
* Trust him to cock it/things up! 保管他会把它[事情]搞糟!

/kɒk; kɑk/
n small cone-shaped pile of straw or hay (小圆锥形的)稻草堆, 乾草堆.

v [Tn] pile (straw or hay) in cocks 将(稻草或乾草)堆成锥形堆; 堆草堆.


Warren Babcock, Jr. (September 15, 1866 – June 3, 1913) was a Michigan politician and educator.
1. Every cock crows at the dawn of day.

2. The cock was dead.
