

美音:[kə´mænd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kə´mænd ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.命令,掌握,司令部 v.命令,指挥,克制,支配,博得,俯临


command为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3571


动词过去式:commanded 过去分词:commanded 现在分词:commanding 第三人称单数:commands


mand,mend=to order(命令),to entrust(委托)

近义词, 同义词



/kə'mɑ:nd; [US] -'mænd; kə`mænd/
1 [I, Tn, Tf, Dn.t] (of sb in authority) tell (sb) that he must do sth; order (指有权者)叫(某人)必须做某事; 命令
*Do as I command (you). 照我命令(你的)去做.
* (fml 文) The tribunal has commanded that all copies of the book (must) be destroyed. 法庭命令(必须)将这本书的所有印本都销毁.
* The officer commanded his men to fire. 军官命令士兵开火. =>Usage at order2 用法见order2.
2 [I, Tn] have authority (over sb/sth); be in control (of) 有(支配某人[某事物])的权力; 控制
*Does seniority give one the right to command? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?
* The ship's captain commands all the officers and men. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵.
3 [Tn no passive 不用于被动语态] be able to use (sth); have at one's disposal 能使用(某事物); 由某人随意支配; 掌握; 掌管
*command funds, skill, resources, etc 掌握资金、技巧、资源等
* She commands great wealth, ie is very rich. 她很富有.
* A government minister commands the services of many officials. 政府部长掌管许多官员的工作.
* (fig 比喻) The house commands a fine view, ie A fine view can be seen from it. 从这所房子处可一览优美景色.
4 [Tn no passive 不用于被动语态] deserve and get (sth) 应得; 值得; 博得
*Great men command our respect. 伟人受到我们尊敬.
* The plight of the famine victims commands everyone's sympathy. 饥民的苦境值得大家同情.
5 [Tn no passive 不用于被动语态] (of a place, fort, etc) be positioned so as to control (sth) (指地方、堡垒等)因地利而能控制(某事物)
*The castle commanded the entrance to the valley. 该城堡控制着峡谷的入口.

/kə'mɑ:nd; [US] -'mænd; kə`mænd/ n
1 [C]
(a) order 命令
*Her commands were quickly obeyed. 她的命令已迅速执行.
* Give your commands in a loud, confident voice. 发命令声音要洪亮、坚定.
(b) (computing 计) instruction to a computer (给计算机的)指令.
2 [U] (esp military 尤用于军事) control; authority (used esp with the vs and preps shown) 控制, 指挥(尤与下列动词和介词连用)
*to have/take command of a regiment, etc 负责[担任]团等部队的指挥
* He should not be given command of troops. 不应该把部队的指挥权交给他.
* Who is in command (ie in charge) here? 这里由谁负责?
* General Smith is in command of the army. 史密斯将军统率陆军.
* The army is under the command of General Smith. 这支军队由史密斯将军指挥.
* He has twenty men under his command. 他指挥着二十人.
3 Command [C] part of an army, air force, etc organized and controlled separately (单独组织指挥的)陆军、空军等的一部分; 部队; 军区
*Western Command 西部部队
* Bomber Command 轰炸机组的指挥部.
4 [U, sing] ~ (of sth) ability to use or control sth; mastery 使用或控制某事物的能力; 掌握
*He has
(a) good command of the French language, ie can speak it well. 他精通法语.
* He has enormous funds at his command. 他掌握着巨额资金.
* He has no command over himself, ie cannot control his feelings, temper, etc. 他不能克制自己.
5 (idm 习语) at/by sb's com`mand (fml 文) having been ordered by sb 奉某人之命的; 受某人指挥的
*I am here at the King's command. 在下奉谕旨至此. at the word of command => word. be at sb's com`mand be ready to obey sb 听候某人吩咐. your wish is my command => wish.
1. But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.

2. The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command that she go .

3. The child did not move though the teacher reiterated her command.
    尽管老师反复发命令, 这个孩子就是不动。

4. The King´s request was tantamount to a command.

5. To know what is going on outside our country, to tell our friends abroad what is going on in China, to carry out international trade — to do all this, a good command of foreign languages is necessary.

6. The pilot must command a collection of lights, dials, knobs, digital displays, and other electronic devices.

7. Not only are the means of arriving at the holiday paradise entirely within one´s own command and keeping,

8. He growled a command to her to stop.

9. As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want,

10. And yet this is the result: here a complete mastery of the language, however stupid the children; there, in most cases, even with people otherwise highly gifted, a faulty and inexact command.
