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comparison为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1973



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/kəm'pærɪsn; kəm`pærəsn/
1 [U] comparing 比较
*He showed us a good tyre for comparison (with the worn one). 他给我们看一个好轮胎(与磨损的)作比较.
2 [C] ~ (of A and/to/with B); ~ (between A and B) act of comparing 相比; 对比; 对照
*the comparison of the heart to/with a pump 把心脏比作唧筒
* It is often useful to make a comparison between two things. 将两件事物相比较往往是有益的.
3 (idm 习语) bear/stand comparison with sb/sth be able to be compared favourably with sb/sth 比得上某人[某事物]; 不亚于某人[某事物]
*That's a good dictionary, but it doesn't bear comparison with this one. 那是本好词典, 但比不上这本. by/in comparison (with sb/sth) when compared 相比之下; 比较起来
*The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with those in New York. 伦敦最高的建筑物与纽约的一比就矮了. comparisons are odious (saying 谚) people and things should be judged on their own merits and not measured against sb/sth else 人和事物应以本身的好坏来衡量, 不应以他人[他事物]作尺度; 人比人, 气死人. there's no com`parison (used to emphasize the difference between two people or things being compared 用以强调相比较的两人之间或两事物之间的差别)
*`Is he as good as her at chess?' `There's no comparison', ie She is much better. `他下棋也像她下得一样好吗?'`根本不能比(她下得好得多).'


3【be like something】
4 there's no comparison
the process of comparing two or more people or things
compare, comparative comparativecomparison with
 Comparison with his previous movies shows how Lee has developed as a director.
in comparison (with/to sth)
 In comparison to other recent video games, this one isn't very exciting.
 He was a loud friendly man. In comparison, his brother was rather shy.
by comparison (with sth)
 By comparison with other European countries, car prices in the UK are very high.
 After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.
for comparison (with sth)
 These figures are provided for comparison with the results of previous studies.
 He showed us the original text for comparison.
 Her paintings invite comparison with those of the early Impressionists (=they remind you of them) .
stand/bear comparison
(=is as good as someone or something else)
 Irving's work bears comparison with the best of the modern novelists.
on comparison
BrE (=after you have compared two things to see if they are similar or different)
 On comparison, the Renault was the more reliable of the two cars.
a statement or examination of how similar or different two people or things are
comparison of
 a comparison of pollution levels in Chicago and Detroit
comparison between
 The article makes a comparison between the two poems.
a statement that someone or something is like someone or something else
(make/draw) a comparison between sb/sth
(=show the similarities between two people or things)
 The writer draws comparisons between the two presidents.
 You can't make a comparison between American and Japanese schools - they're too different.
there's no comparison
spoken used when you think that someone or something is much better than someone or something else
there's no comparison between
 There's just no comparison between canned vegetables and fresh ones.
a word used in grammar meaning the way an adverb or adjective changes its form to show whether it is comparative or superlative
1. By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts.

2. By comparison, relatively little is known about the internal structure of the earth.

3. By comparison, ferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civilized comforts.

4. By comparison, nearly half of male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider, nuclear family, where the wife stays home as mother and housewife.
    与此相比, 几乎有一半男中学生表达了他们对传统的、以男人为家长的、只有一个人养家糊口的核心家庭的偏爱,在这种家庭里妻子作为母亲和家庭主妇呆在家里。

5. He looks older by comparison.

6. Let us compare them with adults learning a foreign language, for the comparison is both interesting and instructive.

7. In comparison with those fruit vendors, you´re lucky; yet they never complain.
    和那些水果贩比起来, 你很幸运, 然而他们从不抱怨.
