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conference为高中词汇   词频:903




fer=to carry(运;载),to bear(忍耐)


/'kɒnfərəns; `kɑnfərəns/
n [C, U] (meetingfor) discussion or exchange of views 讨论(会); 协商(会); 会议
*Many international conferences are held in Geneva. 许多国际会议在日内瓦举行.
* The Director is in conference now. 主任正在开会.


a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business, politics, or science, especially for several days
 Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
conference on
 a UN conference on the environment
hold a conference
(=have a conference)
conference centre/facilities/hall etc
press conference
a private meeting for a few people to have formal discussions
conference with
 After a brief conference with his aides, he left for the airport.
conference room/table etc
 The meeting will be held in the conference room at 10 am.
in conference
 Mr Dickson is in conference.
AmE a group of teams that play against each other to see who is the best
 the Western Conference finals
1. Everything was so relaxed it did not seem possible that the conference was about to make decisions involving the fortunes of millions of people.

2. But the conference heard equally strong evidence for the role that environmental factors play in creating genius.

3. When the Conference was over I was told by the President to hand out cigars and small favours to the staff that had helped us, and of course I hadn´t forgotten the Russian head waiter.

4. The Director is in conference now.

5. The conference was deadly dull.

6. The conference came to a speedy end.

7. The Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers had been good practice, but this meeting was at the highest level.

8. The first plenary session of the Teheran Conference convened in the conference room at the Soviet Embassy at 4 p.m.

9. He clearly was the dominating figure at the conference.

10. He makes time every day to listen to his seven-year-old son play the piano — even if it is no more than a few minutes during a phone call while he is away at a conference.
