

美音:[´kɔnsəl´teıʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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consultation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2767


sed,sess,sid=to sit(坐)


/,kɒnsl'teɪʃn; ,kɑnsl`teʃən/
1 [U] consulting or being consulted 请教; 谘询; 磋商
*acting in consultation with the director, ie with his advice and agreement 在徵询过主任的意见并得其同意後行事
* consultation of a dictionary 查词典.
2 [C]
(a) meeting for discussion 讨论会
*top-level consultations between the US and Russian delegations 美俄代表团之间最高级别的磋商.
(b) meeting to discuss, or seek advice about, a sick person 会诊.


[U and C]
a discussion in which people who are affected by or involved in something can give their opinions
consultation with
 The decision was reached after consultation with parents and teachers.
consultation between
 He's calling for urgent consultations between the government and the oil industry to resolve the problem.
in consultation with sb
 The plans were drawn up in consultation with engineers.
consultation process/exercise/period
 There will be a public consultation exercise to ask for people's views.
consultation paper/document
a meeting with a professional person, especially a doctor, for advice or treatment
 A follow-up consultation was arranged for two weeks' time.
the process of getting advice from a professional person
 Trained parenting experts are available for consultation by telephone.
the process of looking for information or help in a book
 Leaflets were regularly displayed for consultation by students.
1. How much do you charge for a consultation?

2. He is now in consultation with me.
