

美音:[kən´tınju ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kən´tınju ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


continue为中学词汇   词频:320


名词:continuer 动词过去式:continued 过去分词:continued 现在分词:continuing 第三人称单数:continues 形容词:continuable


tain,ten,tin=to hold,to keep(安静)

近义词, 同义词



/kən'tɪnju:; kən`tɪnju/
1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) go or move further (使某事物)继续, 延续
*How far does the road continue? 这条路有多长?
* The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头.
* We continued up the mountain on horseback. 我们骑着马继续上山.
* They continued down until they came to some pockets of natural gas. 他们继续往下钻, 终于找到了一些天然气的气阱.
* It's been decided to continue the motorway (to the coast), ie build more of it until it reaches the coast. 已决定将高速公路延长(至海滨).
2 [La, I, Ipr, Tn, Tt, Tg] ~ (with sth) (cause sth to) go on existing or happening; not stop (使某事物)继续存在或不断发生; 不停
*Circumstances continue (to be) favourable. .
* Wet weather may continue for a few more days. 多雨的天气可能还要持续好几天.
* We will continue (with) the payments for another year. 我们这样的报酬还要再维持一年.
* In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry/continued crying. 尽管我已尽力哄这婴儿, 可是他还是哭个不停.
* How can you continue to work/continue working with all that noise going on? 你在那不停的噪声中怎么能工作得下去呀?
3 [Ipr] stay; remain 留在原处; 继续保持
*He is to continue as manager. 他要继续当经理.
* continue at school, in one's job, etc 继续求学、任职等.
4 (a) [I, Tn, Tt, Tg] start again after stopping; resume (停止後)再开始; (中断後)再继续
*The story continues/is continued in the next issue of the magazine. 这个故事在该杂志的下一期里继续刊载.
* We continued to rehearse/continued rehearsing the chorus after the break. 休息之後我们继续排练合唱节目.
(b) [I, Tn] speak or say (sth) again after stopping (停顿後)继续说
*Please continue; I didn't mean to interrupt. 请往下说, 我不是有意打断你的话的.
* `And what's more,' he continued, `they wouldn't even let me in!' `这还不算,' 他接着说


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French;Origin: continuer, from Latin continuare, from continuus; CONTINUOUS]
[I and T]
to not stop happening, existing, or doing something
continuous, continual continual, discontinue discontinuecontinue to do sth
 Sheila continued to work after she had her baby.
 He will be continuing his education in the US.
 I felt too sick to continue.
continue unabated/apace/unchecked
(=continue at the same high speed or level)
 The flood of refugees continued unabated.
continue with
 He was permitted to continue with his work while in prison.
continue for
 The strike continued for another four weeks.
continue doing sth
 Most elderly people want to continue living at home for as long as they can.
[I and T]
to start again, or start doing something again, after an interruption
= resume
 After a brief ceasefire, fighting continued.
 Rescue teams will continue the search tomorrow.
continue doing sth
 He picked up his book and continued reading.
to go further in the same direction
continue down/along/into etc
 We continued along the road for some time.
 The road continues northwards to the border.
to stay in the same job, situation etc
continue as
 Miss Silva will continue as publishing director.
[I and T]
to say more after an interruption
 'And so', he continued, 'we will try harder next time.'
to be continued
used at the end of part of a story, a television show etc to tell people that the story has not finished yet
1. When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before.

2. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue.

3. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.

4. Today, many wealthy people who could live anywhere in the world cannot tear themselves away from those cities, even though they continue to have many problems.

5. They allowed the visits to continue if they thought the boy was someone who would make a good marriage partner.

6. This is usually a compliment that will encourage him to continue talking.

7. This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for in order for us to win. We simply cannot let people continue to die because we don't feel comfortable talking about AIDS.

8. The problems of numerous inhabitants on this small planet will continue to be important to each of us.

9. He was afraid he might not be able to finish it, and he gladly received young people, "for," he used to say, "I must train up men who will continue the Communist propaganda after I am gone."

10. And wild questions on the topic of cloning continue to mount.
