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/kən'traɪvəns; kən`traɪvəns/
1 [C] ~ (for doing sth/to do sth)
(a) device or tool, esp one made by an individual for a particular purpose 机械装置或用具(尤指为某用途而特制之物)
*a contrivance for cutting curved shapes 可作曲线切削的用具
* He erected some contrivance for storing rain-water. 他装设了一种贮存雨水的器具.
(b) complicated or deceitful plan 计谋; 骗术
*an ingenious contrivance to get her to sign the document without reading it 为使她不经过目就签署文件的妙计.
2 [U] capacity to do or accomplish sth 能力
*Some things are beyond human contrivance. 有些事情人们是无能为力的.
3 [U] action of contriving 发明; 设计
*the contrivance of an effective method 一种实用方法的产生.


n formal
something that is artificial or does not seem natural, but that helps something else to happen - usually used to show disapproval
 A ridiculous series of plot contrivances moves the film along.
[U and C]
a plan or trick to make something happen or get something for yourself, or the practice of doing this
 Harriet's matchmaking contrivances
a machine or piece of equipment that has been made for a special purpose
 a steam-driven contrivance used in 19th century clothing factories
1. We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo´s spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth;

2. Curved glass was the popular contrivance .
