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n.警官,巡警,[纺]管纱 vt.抓住


cop为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4975


动词过去式:copped 过去分词:copped 现在分词:copping 第三人称单数:cops

近义词, 同义词

constable  officer  bailiff  beadle  policeman  cop*    


/kɒp; kɑp/
n (sl 俚) policeman (男)警察.

/kɒp; kɑp/
v (-pp-) (sl 俚)
1 [Tn] receive (sth); suffer 获得(某事物); 遭受
*He copped a nasty whack on the head. 他头上受一重击.
* The heavy rain missed the north of the country altogether, and the south copped the lot. 该国南部大雨滂沱而北部却滴雨未落.
2 (a) [Tn, Tng] discover (sb) in the act of doing sth wrong; catch 发现(某人)在干坏事; 抓住
*If I cop you cheating again you'll be in trouble. 我要再发现你骗人, 决不轻饶.
(b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for sth) arrest sb 逮捕某人
*He was copped for speeding. 他因超速行车被捕.
3 (idm 习语) cop hold of sth take hold of sth; grasp sth 握住某物; 抓住某物
*Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer. 喂, 握住这把改锥, 我用 头试试. `cop it be punished 受罚
*When he finds out who broke his radio, you'll really cop it! 要是他知道了是谁把他的收音机弄坏了, 准够你受的!
4 (phr v) cop `out (of sth) (derog 贬) fail to do what one ought to do, esp through fear 退避,  避, 逃避(尤指因恐惧)
*He was boasting about how brave he was at the start, but copped out (of it) at the finish. 他起初夸耀自己勇敢, 到头来却打了退堂鼓.

n (idm 习语) a fair cop => fair1. not much `cop (sl 俚) not very good 不太好
*He's not much cop as a boxer. 他是个蹩脚的拳击手.
1. Why don´t you call a cop?

2. "Now call a cop, I cannot pay.

3. "No cop for you," said the waiter, and seizing Soapy by the collar he threw him out of the restaurant.
