

美音:[´kɔpı´raıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´kɔpı´raıt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


copyright为六级词汇   词频:5595


名词:copyrighter 动词过去式:copyrighted 过去分词:copyrighted 现在分词:copyrighting 第三人称单数:copyrights 形容词:copyrightable


/'kɒpɪraɪt; `kɑpɪ,raɪt/
n [U, C] ~ (on sth) exclusive legal right, held for a certain number of years, to print, publish, sell, broadcast, perform, film or record an original work or any part of it 版权
*Copyright expires
50 years after the death of the author. 版权在作者死後50年即行终止.
* The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it. 该诗仍然享有版权, 因此你必须支付引用费.
* sued for breach of copyright/for infringing copyright 因侵犯版权被控告
* Who owns the copyright on this song? 谁享有这首歌的版权?

v [Tn] obtain copyright for (a book, etc) 获得(书等)的版权.

adj protected by copyright 受版权保护的
*This material is copyright. 本资料享有版权.


n [U and C]
the legal right to be the only producer or seller of a book, play, film, or record for a specific length of time
 Who owns the copyright of this book?
 The database will be protected by copyright .
infringement/breach of copyright
(=when you break the copyright laws)
 copyright material
>copyrightv [T]