

美音:[kɔ:s ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kɔ:s ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.过程,经过,进程,方针,路线,跑道,课程,一道菜 v.追猎,急行,运行,流动 学业


course为中学词汇   词频:6143


动词过去式:coursed 过去分词:coursed 现在分词:coursing 第三人称单数:courses


cur=to run(流;跑) 变化型 course

近义词, 同义词


channel  direction  line  track  way    


/kɔ:s; kors/
1 [sing] forward movement in time (时间的)进程, 过程
*In the course of (ie During) my long life I've known many changes. 我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑.
* the course of history 历史的进程
* I didn't sleep once during the entire course of the journey. 我在整个旅程中没有睡过一次觉.
2 [C]
(a) direction or route followed by a ship or an aircraft or by a river, boundary line, etc (船只或飞行器的)航向, 航线; (河流、界线等的)走向, 所经之路
*The plane was on/off course, ie following/not following the right course. 飞机航向正确[偏离航向].
* The course of the ship was due north. 这条船的航行方向是正北.
* The captain set a course for (ie towards) New York. 船长定好航向驶向纽约.
* the course of the River Thames 泰晤士河的河道
* (arch 古) the stars in their courses, ie the way they appear to move 在轨道中运行的星球
* (fig 比喻) The course of the argument suddenly changed, ie It turned to a different subject. 辩论的方向突然变了(转到了别的论题上).
(b) way of acting or proceeding 行动的途径; 做法
*What courses are open to us? 我们可以采取什么办法?
* The Government's present course will only lead to disaster. 政府的现行方针後患无穷.
* The wisest course would be to ignore it. 上上策是不予理睬.
3 [C]
(a) ~ (in/on sth) (education 教) series of lessons, lectures, etc (成系列的)课题、讲座等
*a French, a chemistry, an art course 法语的、化学的、艺术的课程
* an elementary course in maths 初级数学课程
* taking a refresher course to improve my driving 参加补习训练以提高自己的驾驶技术.
(b) ~ (of sth) (medical 医) series (of treatments, pills, etc) (治病、服药等)疗程
*prescribe a course of injections, X-ray treatment, etc 开一个注射X射线等疗程的处方.
4 [C]
(a) area for playing golf (高尔夫球)球场
*a `golf-course 高尔夫球场. =>illus at golf 见golf之插图.
(b) stretch of land or water for races 跑道; 赛船水道
*a `race-course, ie for horse-races 赛马跑道
* a five-mile rowing course 五英里长赛艇水道.
5 [C] any of the separate parts of a meal, eg soup, dessert 一道菜(如汤、点心)
*a five-course dinner 有五道菜的正餐
* The main course was a vegetable stew. 主菜是炖蔬菜.
6 [C] continuous layer of brick, rock, etc in a wall (砌成墙壁的砖、石等的)层
*a damp(-proof) course 防潮层.
7 (idm 习语) a course of action activity planned to achieve sth; procedure followed to get sth done 行动步骤; 办事程序
*What is the best course of action we can take? 我们采取什么办法最好? be par for the course => par1. in course of sth undergoing the specified process 在...的过程中
*a house in course of construction, ie being built 建造中的房屋. in the course of sth during sth 在...期间
*in the course of our conversation, ie while we were talking 在我们谈话时. in (the) course of `time when (enough) time has passed; eventually 总有一天; 最终
*Be patient
*you will be promoted in the course of time. 别着急, 你总有一天会获得提升的. in due course => due1. in the ordinary, normal, etc course of events, things, etc as things usually happen; normally 在一般情况下; 通常
*In the ordinary course of events, I visit her once a week. 在一般情况下, 我每周去看她一次. a matter of course => matter1. a middle course => middle. of course naturally; certainly 自然; 当然
*`Do you study hard?' `Of course I do.' `你很用功吗?'`当然用功.'
* `Did she take it?' `Of course not.' `她拿走了吗?'`当然没拿.'
* That was
40 years ago, but of course you wouldn't remember it. 那是40年以前的事, 你自然想不起来了. run/take its `course develop as is usual; proceed to the usual end 听其自然发展; 按常规进行
*We can't cure the disease; it must run its course. 我们治不了这种疾病, 只好听其自然.
* The decision cannot be reversed; the law must take its course, ie the punishment must be carried out. 判决是不能更改的, 有法必依. stay the course => stay.

/kɔ:s; kɔrs/
v [Ipr, Ip] (esp rhet 尤作修辞) (esp of liquids) move or flow freely (尤指液体)流动
*The blood coursed through his veins. 血在他的血管中流动.
* Tears coursed down her cheeks. 眼泪沿着她的面颊流下来.


Wetherby Racecourse is a National Hunt racecourse situated near the market town of Wetherby in West Yorkshire, England, located from Leeds city centre.