

美音:[kraud ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kraud ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.人群,群众,一堆(东西),一伙 v.群集,拥挤,挤满


crowd为中学词汇   词频:5293


名词:crowder 动词过去式:crowded 过去分词:crowded 现在分词:crowding 第三人称单数:crowds

近义词, 同义词


group  mass  mob  throng    


/kraʊd; kraud/
1 [CGp]
(a) large number of people gathered together in the open 人群
*A crowd had already collected outside the embassy gates. 使馆大门外已经聚集了一群人.
* He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群中往前挤.
* Police had to break up the crowd. 警察不得不驱散人群.
* [attrib 作定语] crowd control 人群控制.
(b) mass of spectators; audience 观众; 听众
*The match attracted a large crowd. 那项比赛吸引了大批观众.
* The crowd cheered the winning hit. 观众为那致胜的一击喝彩.
2 the crowd [sing] (derog 贬) people in general 人们
*move with the crowd, ie do as everybody else does 随大溜.
3 [CGp] (infml 口) group; company 一伙人; 一帮人
*I don't associate with that crowd. 我不跟那伙人打交道.
4 (idm 习语) crowds/a (whole) crowd (of) very many (people) 许许多多(人)
*There were crowds of people waiting to get in. 有许许多多的人在等着进去.
* A whole crowd of us arrived at the party uninvited. 我们这一大批不速之客来到了聚会场所. follow the crowd => follow.

/kraʊd; kraud/
1 [Ipr, Ip] ~ around/round(sb) gather closely around (sb) 聚集在(某人)周围
*People crowded round to get a better view. 人们争相围观.
* Pupils crowded round (their teacher) to ask questions. 小学生围着(老师)提问题.
2 [Tn] fill (a space) so that there is little room to move 充塞(某空间)
*Tourists crowded the pavement. 游客把人行道挤得水泄不通.
* crowd a restaurant, theatre, beach, etc 挤满餐厅、剧院、海滨等.
3 [Tn] (infml 口) put pressure on (sb); harass 给(某人)施加压力; 逼迫
*Don't crowd me
*give me time to think! 不要逼我
4 (idm 习语) crowd on `sail (nautical 海) raise many sails in order to increase speed 扬起许多风帆(以增加速度).
5 (phr v) crowd in on sb (of thoughts, etc) come into the mind in large numbers (指想法等)大量涌现
*Memories crowded in on me. 往事一齐涌上我心头. crowd into sth; crowd in move in large numbers into a small space 大批涌入(某狭小空间内)
*Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium. 来捧场的人挤过大门, 涌入运动场.
* We'd all crowded into Harriet's small sitting-room. 我们大家涌进了哈丽特那狭小的客厅.
* (fig 比喻) Disturbing thoughts crowded into my mind. 我心乱如麻. crowd sb/sth into sth; crowd sb/sth in put many people or things into a small space or period of time; cram (sb/sth) into sth 使很多人或物挤进狭小空间或在短时期涌现出来; 勉强塞入
*They crowd people into the buses. 他们让许多人挤进公共汽车里.
* Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms. 把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了.
* She crowds too much detail into her paintings. 她的画过于繁杂. crowd sb/sth out (of sth)
(a) keep sb/sth out of a space by filling it oneself 挤占某空间使某人[某物]无法进入
*The restaurant's regular customers are being crowded out by tourists. 这家餐馆的老主顾被游客挤得不得其门而入.
(b) prevent sb/sth from operating successfully 排挤某人[某事物]
*Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets. 小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤.
1. The police arrested the agitator who had agitated the crowd.

2. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.

3. The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".

4. The crowd cheered loudly as the Queen appeared.

5. There was a dense crowd at the match.

6. The policemen dispersed the crowd.

7. The crowd were swayed by his eloquence.

8. The crowd gaped at the daring tricks performed by the tightrope walker .

9. The jocund crowd left the square only when the police came.

10. The crowd began to shout, but the matador was unaware of the danger.
