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dancing为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5169


n [U] moving rhythmically in time to music 跳舞
*`tap-dancing 跳踢踏舞
* `reggae dancing 跳雷盖舞.
1. The exultant crowds were dancing in the square.

2. This principle works elsewhere as well. To enhance your creativity, learn something new. If you're a banker, take up tap dancing; if you're a nurse, try a course in vitamin therapy.

3. Not far off, some students are singing and dancing.

4. Her dancing delighted everyone.

5. Dancing proved to be more than the dish could bear, for during the party it capsized and sank in seven feet of water.

6. At once the villagers formed a circle and started moving around me, dancing and singing to the music from a kora.

7. She is well practised in modern dancing.

8. She likes singing and dancing.

9. I had a scholarship. I also taught Chinese folk dancing.
    我有奖学金, 我也教中国的民间舞蹈.
