3. We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country. 我们都非常激动,盼望着奥运会的到来,因为在这个国家里还从未举办过奥运会。
4. When all were assembled, the ruler stepped forward and raised his right hand. 众人到齐后,国王上前举起右手。
5. When Churchill completed his argument, Stalin leaned forward and said he wanted to ask an indiscreet question: "Do the British really believe in Overlord, or are you only saying so to reassure the Russians?" 当丘吉尔阐明完他的论点之后,斯大林向前俯过身来说他想问一个很轻率的问题:“英国确实相信‘霸王’行动,还是你们只是为了打消苏联人的疑虑呢?”
6. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 1965. 这位苏联宇航员的名字叫做列昂诺夫; 那是1965年3月18日.
7. The postmark was clear. The date was clear too. 邮戳很清楚, 日期也很清楚.
8. The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance. 他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重。
9. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 1965. 这位苏联宇航员的名字叫做列昂诺夫; 那是1965年3月18日.
10. There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, 六月蔚蓝的天空总使人遥想一个更加蔚蓝的苍穹;