







/'dɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:; `dɔtərɪn,lɔ/
n (pl ~s-in-law / 5dR:tEz In lR; `dRtLzIn9lR/) wife of one's son 儿媳妇. =>App
8 见附录8.


your son's wife
1. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour----everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny.
    人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感 -- 人人,就是说,除他6岁的女儿珍妮之外的每一个人。

2. Edwin Land, one of America's most productive inventors, claimed the idea leading to his invention of the Polaroid camera came from his three-year-old daughter.

3. Every one of those mothers loves and needs her daughter more than her daughter will ever love or need her mother.

4. By the time I was sixteen, my daughter's age, his breath was a wheeze, embarrassing to hear; he could not climb stairs without resting every third or fourth step.
    到我16岁, 也就是我女儿现在这般年龄时,他一呼吸就呼哧呼哧的,让人感到不安;他上楼时每走三、四级楼梯就得停下来休息一会儿。

5. Barbara Handler was the daughter of Elliot and Ruth Handler, co-founders of the Mattel Toy Company.

6. But also, I was presenting to her one more particularly fine achievement: my own dark-eyed, dark-skinned, dark-haired daughter, whom my grandmother had never met.

7. But never, ever, warn marriage law consultants, should you use the same lawyer as your future spouse does.

8. We should prevent a miscarriage of the law.

9. We have made a law on the preservation of wildlife.

10. When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.
