
daylight signal



daylight signal为短语/超纲词汇
1. Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal.

2. Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal.

3. But we are the ones who signal to businesses that what they are doing is okay — every time we buy their products.

4. Was it the signal?

5. The soldiers lay in ambush, waiting for the signal to open fire.

6. The colours look different when viewed in daylight.
    在日光下看, 颜色显得不同.

7. Don't be alarmed by the bells ringing in Singaporean taxis, which are simply a signal warning drivers they have exceeded the speed limit.

8. On September 7, 1940, nearly four hundred German bombers hammered the city with bombs in broad daylight.

9. It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence.

10. Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town.
