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debt为高中词汇   词频:1417




deb=to owe(负债) 变化型 du

近义词, 同义词




/det; dɛt/
1 (a) [C] sum of money owed to sb that has not yet been paid 债务; 欠款
*If I pay all my debts I'll have no money left. 我若还清所有欠债就分文不剩了.
(b) [U] owing money, esp when one cannot pay 欠债(尤指无法偿还的)
*We were poor, but we avoided debt. 我们穷是穷, 但还不至于背债.
2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (fig 比喻) obligation to sb for their help, kindness, etc 人情债
*I'm happy to acknowledge my debt to my teachers. 我能有机会向老师们表示感谢, 我觉得十分高兴.
* owe sb a debt of gratitude 欠某人恩情.
3 (idm 习语) be ,in/,out of `debt owe/not owe a lot of money 欠[不欠]债. be in sb's `debt (fml 文) feel grateful to sb for his help, kindness, etc 欠某人之情
*You saved my life
*I am forever in your debt. 你救了我的命
*我永远感恩不尽. ,get/,run into `debt reach a stage where one owes a lot of money 负债. ,get out of `debt reach a stage where one no longer owes money 还清欠款. a ,debt of `honour debt that one feels morally obliged to pay even though one is not required by law to do so 信誉债(无法律约束力而道义上有责任偿还者).


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: dette, from Latin debitum, from debere 'to owe']
a sum of money that a person or organization owes
debt of
 This over-ambitious strategy has saddled them with debts of around $3,000,000.
pay (off)/repay/clear/settle etc a debt
 He had enough money to pay off his father's outstanding debts.
 Romania is paying more and more to Western banks simply to service the debt (=pay it) .
run up/amass debts
 students who run up huge debts
when you owe money to someone
creditin debt (to sb)
 Nearly half the students said they were in debt.
 The band will be in debt to the record company for years.
£200/$1000 etc in debt
 A rash business decision left him $600 in debt.
get/run/fall etc into debt
 The club sank deeper into debt .
be heavily/deeply in debt
(=owe a lot of money)
[C usually singular]
the degree to which you have learned from or been influenced by someone or something else
debt to
 Braque acknowledged his debt to Impressionist painting.
debt of gratitude/thanks
the fact of being grateful to someone who has helped you
 I owe a debt of gratitude to my tutors.
bad debt, national debt
1. When Easton was unemployed they had to stint themselves so as to avoid getting further into debt than was absolutely necessary.

2. The fact that many developing countries must trim money from public education as part of their debt-reduction plans creates further pressure on families, she said.

3. Now we´ll have this bloody debt dragging on us for years, and before the damn stuff is paid for it´ll be worn out."

4. His extravagance explains why he is always in debt.
    他挥霍无度, 难怪总欠债.

5. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.

6. I must pay him a debt of ¥5.
