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/dɪ'sembə(r); dɪ`sɛmbɚ/
n [U, C] (abbr 缩写 Dec) the twelfth month of the year, next after November 十二月. For the uses of December see the examples at April. 关于December的用法见April词条中的示例.


n [U and C]written abbreviationDec.
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin, name of the tenth Roman month, from decem 'ten']
the 12th month of the year, between November and January
next/last December
 Last December they visited Prague.
in December
 We got married in December.
on December 6th
 Jake's birthday is on December 6th.
on 6th DecemberBrE
 The event was to take place on 6th December.
December 6AmE
 Her letter arrived December 6.
1. When the south pole is towards the sun, the southern half of the world (or the Southern Hemisphere) is warmer, and it has its summer (December, January and February).

2. Dimitri: It is often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes.
    迪米特里: 12月, 1月和2月通常是寒冷的. 有时还下雪.

3. December, January and February make the winter season.

4. Also, the names of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth months, October, November, and December, come from the Latin for eighth, ninth and tenth.
    同样10月、11月和12月的名称October, November和December也来自拉丁语的第八、第九和第十。

5. A. Oh yes. Who hasn´t? It´s such a faithful record of the student movement of December 9th, 1935.
    A. 看过。谁没看过?这是关于1935年12月9日那场学生运动的一个真实的记录。

6. "December 3: . . . The Foreign Office still holding up my passport (护照) and exit visa, which worries me.
    "12月3日: ……外交部仍扣着我的护照和出境签证,这让我感到担忧。

7. "Berlin, December 4: Got my passport and official permit( 许可)to leave tomorrow.

8. "December 5: It was still dark and a storm was blowing in when I left for the airport this morning ..."
    "12月5日:今晨动身去机场时, 天还没亮,刮起了风暴……"

9. At 2 PM on December 5, 1945, five Navy aircraft took off in perfect flying weather from a naval air installation in southeastern Florida, on a routine training mission over the Atlantic Ocean.

10. Snows are frequent in this area during December.
