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delighted为高中词汇   词频:3908


名词:delightedness 副词:delightedly

近义词, 同义词


adj ~ (at sth/to do sth/that...) very pleased; showing delight 非常高兴的; 显示愉快的
*a delighted smile, look, child 愉快的微笑、样子、小孩
* I'm delighted at your success/to hear of your success/that you succeeded. 我对你的成功[听到你成功的消息/对你已获成功]感到很高兴.
* `Will you come to the party?' `I'd be delighted (to)!' `你来参加聚会吗?'`很愿意来!'


very pleased and happy
delighted to do sth
 Sandy will be delighted to see you.
delighted (that)
 I'm delighted that we have settled the matter.
delighted with/by/at
 She was delighted with her new home.
 I am delighted by the result.
 Her screams of delighted laughter filled the air.
HINT sense 1
Do not say 'very delighted'. Say absolutely delighted .

1. When I had gone through this work I was extremely delighted with it.

2. Her dancing delighted everyone.

3. Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her.

4. "I was delighted when she won the election, because men elected her," said Lydiah Kimani, an Embu farmer and political activist.
    "她胜出我很高兴,因为是男人们选举了她," 恩布市的一位农民政治活动家利迪亚·基曼尼如是说。

5. My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more.

6. Midas was delighted.

7. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift.

8. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift.

9. Instead of being delighted, as her husband had hoped, she flung the invitation across the table, murmuring:
