

美音:[dı´lıvərı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dı´lıvərı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.递送,交付,分娩,交货,引渡 n.[律] 财产等的正式移交 发送,传输


delivery为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2149




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/dɪ'lɪvərɪ; dɪ`lɪvərɪ/
1 (a) [U] delivering (of letters, goods, etc) 递送, 投递, 交付(信件、货物等)
*Your order is ready for delivery. 你订购的货物可随时交付.
* Please pay on (ie at the time of) delivery. 请于交货时付款.
(b) [C] goods, mail, etc delivered (递送或交付的)货物、邮件等
*We had a big delivery of coal today. 今天我们收到大批订购的煤.
(c) [C] instance of delivering (parcels, goods, etc) (包裹、货物等的)递送, 交付
*We have two postal deliveries each day. 我们每天收到两次信.
2 [C, U] process of birth 分娩
*an easy/difficult delivery 顺[难]产
* the first stage of delivery 第一产程.
3 [sing] manner of speaking (in lectures, etc) (在讲课等中的)讲话方式, 风度, 态度
*Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech. 她的演讲在各方面都很好, 却因表达技巧差而功亏一篑.
4 (a) [U] throwing or launching in flight (of a ball, missile, etc) (球的)投掷; (导弹的)发射.
(b) [C] ball thrown (esp one bowled in cricket or thrown in baseball) 投掷的球(尤指板球或棒球)
*a fast, hostile delivery 快速投球、投出刁球.
5 (idm 习语) cash on delivery => cash. take delivery (of sth) receive sth 收到某物
*When can you take delivery of the car? 你什么时候才能收到那辆汽车?


[U and C]
the act of bringing goods, letters etc to a particular person or place, or the things that are brought
 Most Indian restaurants offer free delivery.
 You can expect delivery in a week to ten days.
 fresh milk deliveries
delivery of
 deliveries of food and supplies
on delivery
(=when something is delivered)
 The restaurant pays cash on delivery for fish, which the local fishermen like.
take delivery of sth
to officially accept something large that you have bought
 We expect to take delivery of the aircraft sometime in June.
the process of giving birth to a child
 Mrs Howell had an easy delivery.
 Liz was taken to the delivery room (=a room in a hospital for births) immediately.
the way in which someone speaks in public
 You'll have to work on your delivery.
1. Even on Valentine's Day, when the price of a dozen roses and delivery can soar as high as $150, 12 of Roses Only's most expensive flowers sell for just $35.

2. The truck driver and his helper unloaded the delivery at the factory.

3. Your order is ready for delivery.

4. Roses Only can arrange delivery via overnight mail to anywhere in the country.
