/,demə'krætɪk; ,dɛmə`krætɪk/
1 based on the principles of democracy (1a) 民主的; 民主政治的; 民主政体的
*democratic rights, elections 民主的权利、选举
* democratic government, rule, etc 民主的政府、统治等.
2 of or supporting democracy(3); paying no or little attention to class divisions based on birth or wealth 民主作风的; 平等的
*a democratic society, outlook 民主的社会、观点.
3 of or supporting control of an organization by its members 民主管理的
*democratic involvement, participation, etc 参与民主管理、参加民主管理.
controlled by representatives who are elected by the people of a country
a democratic government
the role of the media in the democratic process
organized according to the principle that everyone has a right to be involved in making decisions
a democratic management style
organized according to the principle that everyone in a society is equally important, no matter how much money they have or what social class they come from
a democratic society
belonging to or supporting the Democratic Party of the US
the Democratic nominee for the presidency
>democratically [-kli/
1. But there's a vast difference between the breeding programs as practiced by some groups (where the urge to breed certain types of people leads to efforts to destroy other types) and the much more harmless forms already practiced in democratic societi 但是,某些团体实施的培育项目和在民主社会里已经实施的更为无害的培育方式,二者之间存在着天壤之别:前者为迫切地培育某类人而对其余的人进行毁灭,而后者,比如说律师,则是通过自由地选择与别的律师发生性关系得以实现。
2. The Democratic Party won in the presidential election. 在总统竞选中, 民主党获胜了。
3. He thinks children must spend time with peers to learn the rules of work in a democratic(民主的) society and to learn how to deal with relations with more people than just their parents. 他认为孩子们必须有时间和同龄人相处,以了解民主社会的工作规则,学会如何与更多人打交道,而不仅仅是与父母相处。
4. One organization has held dozens of workshops in rural Kenya to help women understand the nation's constitution and the procedures and theory behind a democratic political system. 有个机构已经在肯尼亚农村举办了十几个专题讨论会,目的是帮助妇女理解国家宪法以及民主政治制度所体现的程序及理论。
5. In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the Press are rightly condemned. 在民主的国家里,限制新闻自由的任何努力都要受到公正的谴责。
6. In a democratic system it is the people that wield the power. 在民主体制中,人民掌握权力。
7. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form of ´college´ imaginable. 如果我们的教育制度仿效没有书籍的古代教育,我们的学院将具有可以想象得出的最民主的形式了。
8. In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned. 在民主国家里,任何限制新闻自由的企图都理所当然地受到谴责。