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devote为高中词汇   词频:3200


动词过去式:devoted 过去分词:devoted 现在分词:devoting 第三人称单数:devotes 名词:devote-ment


apply  assign  attend-to  dedicate    


/dɪ'vəʊt; dɪ`vot/
v [Tn.pr] ~ oneself/sth to sb/sth give (one's time, energy, etc) to sb/sth; dedicate 为某人[某事物]付出(时间、精力等); 向某人[某事物]奉献(时间、精力等); 献身于某事物
*devote oneself to a noble cause 献身于一项崇高的事业
* devote all one's efforts to one's task 全力以赴地工作.


v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: devotus, past participle of devovere, from vovere 'to promise']
to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone
= dedicate
devote your time/energy/attention etc to sth
 He wanted to devote his energies to writing films.
devote yourself to sth
 She devoted herself full-time to her growing business.
to use a particular area, period of time, or amount of space for a specific purpose
devote sth to sth
 The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.
1. Through the years his story has inspired millions of men, women, and children to devote time and care to the service of others.

2. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.

3. Advocates for the poor want the companies building the data highway to devote a portion of their profits to insuring universal access.

4. Yes,I want to devote my whole life to God.
