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diamond为小学词汇   词频:4015


动词过去式:diamonded 过去分词:diamonded 现在分词:diamonding 第三人称单数:diamonds


/'daɪəmənd; `daɪəmənd/
1 (a) [U, C] transparent precious stone of pure carbon in crystallized form, the hardest substance known 金刚石; 金刚钻; 钻石
*a ring with a diamond in it 钻石戒指
* [attrib 作定语] a diamond ring, necklace, etc 钻石戒指、项链等.
(b) [C] piece of this (often artificially made) used in industry, esp for cutting glass or as a stylus for playing records (常为人造的)工业用金刚石; (尤指)金刚石玻璃刀, 宝石唱针.
2 [C] figure with four equal sides and with angles that are not right angles 菱形.
3 (a) diamonds [sing or pl v] suit of playing-cards marked with red diamond shapes 红方块花色的纸牌
*the five of diamonds 方块五
* Diamonds is/are trumps. 方块为王牌.
(b) [C] playing-card of this suit 方块牌
*play a diamond 出一张方块. =>illus at playing-card 见playing-card之插图.
4 [C] (in baseball) space inside the lines connecting the bases (棒球)内野(四垒连线内的场地).
5 (idm 习语) a rough diamond => rough1.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: diamant 'hard metal, diamond', from Greek adamas; ADAMANT]
[U and C]
a clear, very hard valuable stone, used in jewellery and in industry
 a diamond engagement ring
a shape with four straight but sloping sides of equal length, with one point facing directly up and the other directly down
 Cut the cookie dough into diamonds.
a) diamonds
one of the four suits (=types of cards) in a set of playing cards, which has the design of a red diamond shape on it
two/queen etc of diamonds
 the ace of diamonds
a card from this suit
 You have to play a diamond.
[C]a) the area in a baseball field that is within the diamond shape formed by the four bases
b) the whole playing field used in baseball
1. The ring has a diamond in it.

2. That´s not a real diamond necklace, it´s just a fake!
    那不是真钻石项链, 是假的!

3. The workers imitate a diamond with crystal.

4. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet.

5. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet.

6. As the diamond tip of the drill revolves, it is lubricated by mud.

7. As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass.

8. All at once she discovered a splendid diamond necklace, and her hands trembled as she took it.

9. "You remember the diamond necklace that you lent me for the ball?"

10. "You say you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine?"
