

美音:[dım ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dım ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.暗淡的,模糊的,无光泽的,悲观的,怀疑的 vt.使暗淡,使失去光泽 n.<美俚>笨蛋、傻子




名词:dimness 形容词比较级:dimmer 最高级:dimmest 动词过去式:dimmed 过去分词:dimmed 现在分词:dimming 第三人称单数:dims 副词:dimly

近义词, 同义词


darkish  faint  indistinct  pale  vague  weak  bright  light    


/dɪm; dɪm/
adj (-mmer, -mmest)
1 (a) where or which one cannot see well; not bright 光线暗淡的; 看不清的; 不光亮的; 昏暗的; 阴暗的
*a dim corridor with no windows 没有窗户的昏暗走廊
* the dim outline of buildings on a dark night 黑夜里建筑物朦胧的轮廓
* reading by dim candle-light 就着微弱的烛光读书.
(b) not clearly remembered; faint 记不清的; 记忆模糊的
*a dim memory/recollection 淡淡的记忆[回忆].
2 (infml 口) (of people) lacking intelligence (指人)愚笨的.
3 (of the eyes, eyesight) not able to see well (指眼睛)看不清东西的; (视力)差的, 模糊的
*His sight is getting dim. 他的视力越来越差了.
* eyes dim with tears 迷离的泪眼.
4 (idm 习语) dim and distant (joc 谑) long past 很久以前
*Once, in the dim and distant past, I was a student here. 我早八辈子的时候在这儿读过书.

v (-mm-) [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become dim 变暗淡或模糊; 使(某事物)暗淡或模糊
*The stage lights (were) dimmed, and the play's first act was over. 舞台灯光暗了下去, 这出戏的第一幕结束了.
* Old age hasn't dimmed her memory. 她虽然年事已高, 但记忆并未模糊.


A narodni dim is a community hall, with a related organization, in the Ukrainian Canadian community. Nardoni dim literally means "people's home" or "national hall".
1. But then you have to wonder why, over time, natural talent seems to waken in some people and dim in others.

2. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: ´The night is dim. Read the letter to me.

3. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: ´The light is dim. Read the letter to me.´

4. My vision went dim, as blood rushed from my head to my feet.

5. The gaoler replied: ´The light is indeed dim, sire. I must get my glasses.´
