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近义词, 同义词


adj ~ (about/at sth); ~ (in/with sb/sth); ~ (to do sth/that...) sad or dissatisfied because sb has failed, some desired event has not happened, etc 失望的; 失意的; 受挫的
*be disappointed about/at sb's failure 对某人的失败感到失望
* I was disappointed with his performance. 他的表现令我失望.
* I'm disappointed in you
*I expected you to win. 你让我失望了, 我本来指望你能赢的.
* He was disappointed to hear they were not coming. 他听说他们不来了, 感到很扫兴.
* I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我没被挑中, 感到很沮丧.


unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because someone or something was not as good as you expected
 Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.
 disappointed customers
disappointed at/with/about
 Local residents were disappointed with the decision.
disappointed (that)
 I was disappointed that we played so well yet still lost.
disappointed in
 I'm very disappointed in you.
bitterly/deeply/terribly disappointed
 The girl's parents were bitterly disappointed at the jury's verdict.
disappointed to hear/see/find etc
 Visitors were disappointed to find the museum closed.
1. We were disappointed at his listless attitude.

2. They ae blameless simply because they are disappointed about your past.

3. The book disappointed me.

4. Those who failed to get in need not have felt disappointed, as many of the artistes who should have appeared did not come.

5. A disappointed look came into his face.

6. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour.

7. A little disappointed, the officer sent the retired truck driver across the border.

8. So she was disappointed when all the book publishers she visited turned her down.

9. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.

10. “You are disappointed,” Albert said over his shoulder. “You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in secrets and danger.
    "你一定很失望," 艾伯特转过头来说道。"有人告诉你我是个特工,一个间谍,总是做秘密情报和危险的买卖。
