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distance为中学词汇   词频:1274


动词过去式:distanced 过去分词:distanced 现在分词:distancing 第三人称单数:distances


sist,stitut,sta,st=to stand(站立)

近义词, 同义词


extent  length  reach  remoteness  space    


/'dɪstəns; `dɪstəns/
1 [C, U] (amount of) space between two points or places 距离; 间距
*A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day. 自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多英里.
* It's a great/some/no distance from here, ie very/fairly/not far away. 离此处很[相当/不]远.
* a short, long, great, etc distance 短的、长的、很大的...距离
* In the USA distance is measured in miles, not kilometres. 在美国, 测量距离用英里, 不用公里.
* The beach is within walking distance of my house, ie near enough to be reached easily on foot. 海滩离我家不远, 走几步就到了.
* (fig 比喻) at a distance of fifty years 时隔五十年. =>App
4 见附录4.
2 [C, U] distant place or point 远处; 远方
*At a distance of six miles you can't see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清.
* He won't hit the target at that distance. 他打不中那样远的目标的.
3 [U] being separated in space or by time (空间或时间的)相距
*Distance is no problem with modern telecommunications. 在电信发达的今天, 相距遥远已不再是什么问题了.
4 [U] coldness or remoteness in personal relationships (人际关系的)冷淡, 疏远
*Is his distance a result of snobbery or shyness? 他态度冷淡是因为他势利眼呢, 还是因为他 腆?
5 (idm 习语) go the `distance (esp in sports) continue to run, fight, etc until the end of a contest (尤指运动)继续跑完全程、赛足全局等
*Nobody thought he'd last
15 rounds, but he went the full distance. 没有人认为他会坚持15个回合, 然而他终于打满了全局.
* You need perseverance to win in politics and I doubt if he can go the distance. 在政治上, 需要矢志不移才能取胜, 我怀疑他能否坚持到底. in the `distance far away 在远处; 在远方. keep one's `distance (from sb/sth)
(a) not get too close (to sb/sth) (与某人[某事物])保持一定距离
*I would keep my distance from that dog, if I were you! 我要是你, 就离那条狗远一点!
(b) not become friendly or familiar (with a person, cause, etc) (对人、事业等)冷淡, 疏远
*He was asked many times to join the party, but he always kept his distance. 人家好几次要他参加那个政党, 但他的反应总是很冷淡. keep sb at a `distance refuse to let sb become familiar or friendly 与某人保持一定距离; 不愿与某人亲近. Cf 参看 the near distance (near1), the middle distance (middle).

/'dɪstəns; `dɪstəns/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from sb/sth) make sb less friendly or warm towards sb/sth 使某人与某人[某事物]保持距离、关系疏远或冷淡
*That stupid quarrel has distanced us. 那一场无谓 的争吵使我们的关系疏远了.
* Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity. 选民受到反面宣传的影响, 对这个政党冷淡了.
2 [Tn.pr] ~ oneself from sb/sth not approve of or become involved with sb/sth 与某人[某事物]保持距离; 对某人[某事物]持不赞同或不介入的态度
*She needs to distance herself from some of her more extreme supporters. 她必须与拥护她的那些比较偏激的人保持一定的距离.


Men's middle distance cross-country classic skiing events at the 2006 Winter Paralympics were contested at Pragelato on 15 March.
1. Each teenager is expected to cover his or her own expenses for articles for personal use, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls and clothing.

2. Euro Disneyland's short distance to Paris is a definite attraction.

3. By way of contrast oil can be transported large distance by pipeline.
    不同的是, 石油可以用输油管远距离输送.

4. We could see a hamlet in the distance.

5. We are within a measurable distance of success.

6. Well, I measured the distance of ground, and calculated how deep it was to be dug, how broad, and how the earth to be thrown out.

7. Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England.

8. They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.

9. They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.

10. The sounds of music grew fainter in the distance.
