

美音:[daun ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[daun ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下面,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


down为小学词汇   词频:1015


动词过去式:downed 过去分词:downed 现在分词:downing 第三人称单数:downs




/daʊn; daun/
adv part (For special uses with many vs, see the v entries. 与动词搭配的特殊用法见有关动词词条. )
1 (a) from a higher to a lower level 从高到低; 向下
*pull down a blind 拉下窗帘
* fall, climb, jump, etc down 跌下、爬下、跳下
* The sun went down below the horizon. 太阳落山, 消失于地平线下.
* The ice-cream slipped down easily it was cold and delicious. 冰激凌到嘴就化--咽下去又凉快又可口.
(b) (moving) from an upright position to a horizontal one 从竖着的位置(移动到)横着的位置; 倒下
*knock sb down 把某人打倒
* go and lie down 去躺下.
(c) with the body positioned at a lower level 使躯体处于较低位置
*sit, kneel, crouch, etc down 坐下、跪下、蹲下
* He bent down to pick up his gloves. 他弯身拾起他的手套. Cf 参看 up 1a.
2 (indicating place or state 指地点或状态)
*Mary is not down yet, ie She is in bed or still in an upstairs room. 玛丽还没下来呢(未下床或未下楼).
* The level of unemployment is down. 失业率在下降.
* We're two goals down already, ie The other team has scored two goals and we have scored none. 我们已落後两分. Cf 参看 up 2.
3 (a) away from an important place, esp a large city 离开重要的地方(尤指大城市)
*move down from London to the country 离开伦敦搬到乡下.
(b) (Brit) away from a university, esp Oxford or Cambridge 离开大学(尤指牛津或剑桥)
*going down at the end of the year 年底将大学毕业.
(c) to or in the south of the country 向南方; 在南方
*living down south 住在南方. Cf 参看 up 4.
4 (indicating a decrease in volume, activity or quality 表示量或活动的减少或质量的下降)
*boil the liquid down 把液体煮得蒸发掉一些
* calm/quieten/settle down 宁静[安静/安顿]下来
* The fire burnt down. 火势渐渐减弱.
* The noise was dying down. 噪声渐渐减低.
* The wine was watered down for the children. 用水把葡萄酒冲淡给孩子喝.
* The heels of these shoes are quite worn down. 鞋後跟磨损得很厉害.
5 (a) (written) on paper 在纸上(写)
*write it down 写下来
* copy/note/put/take sth down 抄下[摘记下/写下/记下]某事物.
(b) added to a list 加入清单中
*Have you got me down for the team? 你把我加进球队名单里了吗?
6 ~ (to sb/sth) (indicating the upper (and lower) limits in a range 表示上(或下)限)
*Everyone played well, from the captain down. 上自队长下至每个队员都表现得很好.
* Nobody was free from suspicion, from the head girl down to the youngest pupil. 上自首席女学长下至年龄最小的学生, 没有一个不受到怀疑的.
7 (a) (with a specified amount of money) spent or lost 花掉或失去(某钱数)
*After paying all the bills, I found myself
5 down. 付清所有帐单後, 我知道共花了5英镑.
(b) as a deposit 作为定金
*Pay me
50 down and the rest at the end of the month. 先付给我50英镑定金, 余款要月底付清.
* [attrib 作定语] Pay me
50 as a down payment. 先付给我50英镑定钱.
8 (used in measuring one's progress through a series of individual people, things, etc 用以计算进度(如处理人、事物等的数量))
10 down, another
5 candidates to see yet. 已经面试了10人, 还有5人要见.
9 (idm 习语) be down on sb (infml 口) feel, show or express disapproval or hostility towards sb 对某人感到、表示或表达出不满或有敌意
*She's terribly down on people who don't do things her way. 她对不按她的要求做事的人十分不满. be down to sb be dependent on sb 依赖、依靠或依仗某人
*It's down to you now to look after the family business. 现在得靠你照管家族生意了. be down to sth have only a little (money) left 只剩一点儿(钱)
*be down to one's last penny, pound, etc 只剩下最後一便士、一镑等
* I'm afraid I can't buy you a drink I'm down to my last 50p. 很抱歉, 我不能请你喝什么了--我只剩下50便士了. be/go down with sth have or catch an illness 有病; 得病
*Peter can't play tomorrow, he's (gone) down with flu. 彼得明天不能参赛了, 他得了流感. ,down and `out having no home, money, etc; destitute 无家、无钱等; 穷困潦倒
*He looked completely down and out. 他看上去已穷困潦倒.
* [attrib 作定语] ,down-and-out ,homeless `people 穷困潦倒、无家可归的人. down below in or to the basement of a building or to the hold of a ship, etc 在底下, 到底下(地下室、船舱等). ,down `stage (of sb/sth) at or to the part of the stage nearest the audience 在(或向)舞台前 部
*move down stage (of the other actors) 向舞台前方移动(到其他演员的前面). down through sth throughout (a considerable period of time) 经过(相当长的一段时间)
*Down through the years this town has seen many changes. 经过这些年, 这城市有了许多变化. down `under (infml 口) in Australia 在澳大利亚
*Down under they speak their own kind of English. 在澳大利亚, 人们说的是当地的英语. down with sb/sth (used to express a wish that a person, a group or an institution should be banned or abolished 用以表示打倒或取消某人、某团体或某机构)
*Down with the government! 打倒政府!
* Down with school uniforms! 取消穿校服的规定!

/daʊn; daun/
1 from a high or higher point on (sth) to a lower one 从高处向下
*The stone rolled down the hill. 石头滚下山.
* Tears ran down her face. 眼泪从她脸上流下.
* Her hair hung down her back to her waist. 她的长发披在後背直垂到腰间.
2 at or to a lower part of (sth) 在或向低处
*There's a bridge a mile down the river from here. 从这里沿河往下一英里处有一座桥.
3 (of flat surfaces or areas) along; towards the direction in which one is facing (指平面或区域)沿着, 顺着(面对的方向)
*He lives just down the street. 他就住在街的那头.
* Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights. 沿路前行直至有交通灯处.
4 (of periods of time) throughout (指时间段落)贯穿, 遍及
*an exhibition of costumes down the ages, ie from all periods of history 历代服装展览.

/daʊn; daun/
v [Tn]
1 knock (sb) to the ground 将(某人)打倒在地上.
2 (infml 口) finish (a drink) quickly 很快喝下(饮料)
*We downed our beer and left. 我们一口气把啤酒喝光就走了.
3 (idm 习语) ,down `tools (Brit)
(a) (of workers) stop working, usu abruptly (指工人)停止工作(通常为突然地)
*As soon as the clock strikes five, they down tools and off they go. 钟一敲五点, 他们就撂下工作走人.
(b) refuse to continue working, as in a strike 拒绝继续工作(如在罢工中).

/daʊn; daun/
n (idm 习语) have a down onsb/sth (infml 口) disapprove of or feel hostile towards sb/sth 讨厌或敌视某人[某事物]
*She's got a `down on me; I don't know why. 她很讨厌我, 我不知道为什么. ups and downs => up n.

/daʊn; daun/
n [U]
1 very fine soft feathers 绒羽; 羽绒
*pillows filled with down 羽绒枕头.
2 fine soft hair 绒毛; 汗毛; 软毛; 毫毛; 茸毛
*The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy's face. 那小男孩的脸上渐渐长出了汗毛.