e-mail connection
e-mail connection为短语/超纲词汇
1. Whose mail is this? 这是谁的邮件?
2. How long will the connection of the telephone take? 安装电话机与总机接通要多长时间?
3. He severed connection with Tom . 他和汤姆断绝关系。
4. A.You pick up the mail anxiously each day and breathe with peace when the letter isn't there. a.你每天收邮件时都焦急不安,当发现没有调价通知书时,你就会如释重负地松一口气。
5. "Sending a segment of video mail down the hall or across the country will be easier than typing out a message on a keyboard," predicts one correspondent who specializes in technology. 一位专门从事技术方面报道的记者预言道:"把录像邮件的片段传送到大楼的其他地方或国内的其他地方要比在键盘上打出文字来更为容易。"
6. As part of its deal with the Disney organization, the government is laying on and paying for new highways, an extension of Paris's regional express railway and even a direct connection for the high speed TGV railway to the Channel Tunnel. 作为与迪斯尼公司合作协议的一部分,政府正在铺设新的公路并支付建设款项,它是巴黎地区快速轨道交通的延伸,甚至可直接连接到通往英吉利海峡隧道的高速电气铁路(TGV)。
7. But only to take on mail, not passengers. 但它只停站装邮件,不载旅客。
8. (A companion study showed girls' popularity with their peers was also related to the popularity of their names — although the connection was less clear for boys.) (一个与之配套的研究表明:女孩受同龄人欢迎的程度也与她们的名字受欢迎的程度有关系。虽然对男孩来说这种关系不太明显。)
9. Roses Only can arrange delivery via overnight mail to anywhere in the country. "惟一玫瑰"可以通过速递邮件连夜把花送到全国各地。
10. There is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition, to verifying facts in reference books. 从为新增添的收藏品寻找摆放位置到核对参考书中的事实,总归有事可做。