
e-page systems



e-page systems为短语/超纲词汇
1. Billion city would have many levels, so that various transportation systems could work without interfering with each other.

2. Being laid off from work, job loss and recession (衰退) have always affected Walter Cronkite's tone of voice and the editor's page.

3. By installing optical fiber, digital switches, and the latest wireless transmission systems, a parade of urban centers and industrial zones from Beijing to Budapest are stepping directly into the Information Age.

4. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.

5. What seems to be lacking are the human leadership and management systems to do the job.

6. Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
    这些人对学习毫无兴趣, 而且除了伺服系统, 配电盘, 压缩比和凸轮轴便一无所知.

7. The debutante´s photograph was at the head of the society page.

8. Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
    这些人对学习毫无兴趣, 而且除了伺服系统, 配电盘, 压缩比和凸轮轴便一无所知.

9. There are 58 lines on this page.

10. Turn to page two.
