
each other



each other为小学词汇

近义词, 同义词

each other

(used only as the object of a v or prep 仅用作动词或介词的宾语) the other one, reciprocally 互相; 彼此
*Paul and Linda helped each other, ie Paul helped Linda and Linda helped Paul. 保罗和琳达互相帮助.
* We write to each other regularly. 我们彼此经常通信. Cf 参看 one another (one3).

each other

each 'other
W1S1pron [not used as the subject of a sentence]
used to show that each of two or more people does something to the other or others
one another
 Susan and Robert kissed each other passionately.
 The girls looked at each other.
 They enjoy each other's company.
be at each other's throatsatthroat