



1. But parents are also eager to give their children every advantage.

2. When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before.

3. The teenagers were eager to escape restrictive home environments.

4. They have a character, perhaps two; they are in that condition of eager discomfort which passes for inspiration;

5. The Japanese are eager to move forward and Westerners, perhaps, lag behind as they take the time for in-depth planning.

6. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time.

7. And businesses eager for reliable service are willing to accept a significantly higher price tag for a wireless call — the fee is typically two to four times as much as for calls made over fixed lines.

8. She is eager for the performance to begin.

9. “You’ll be welcome. If you wait for two years, I can show you around.” I was so very eager to make a friend of him.
