
earn a living by



earn a living by为短语/超纲词汇
1. Easton looked alternatively at the list of debts and the three letters, and then he said, "I give you nearly every farthing I earn and I never interfere with anything, because I think it´s your part to attend to the house, but it seems to me yo

2. Evidently, culture shock is something you cannot avoid when living in a foreign country.

3. But can you believe that my first teacher, Mr. Crossett, is still living?

4. Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war.

5. But a watch could never repair itself----it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction.

6. Because of water, Earth is a living planet.

7. But no one could have possibly guessed the truth — that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scotla

8. But I would love to be able to pay for some of my living and not have to go through an embarrassing situation every time I need a spare part for my wheelchair.

9. For it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away.

10. We still do:living in anarchy.
