2. But not one pair of eyes strayed from the history books which twenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly. 25个小女孩正在认真地学习历史,没有一双眼睛离开课本。
3. But there were times when not a single piece of dry wood could be found and even Humboldt lay with his eyes wide open, listening to the roars of the beasts that surrounded them. 但也有一块干木也找不到的时候,就连洪堡也睁大了眼睛躺在那里,听着包围他们的野兽的吼叫。
4. But before he smoked cigarettes made by manufacturers -- when he was very young and very poor, with glowing eyes -- he smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself. 但是在他开始抽机制卷烟之前——那时他很年轻、也很穷,但眼睛炯炯有神——他抽的是用阿尔伯特亲王牌烟丝自己手工卷制的香烟。
5. But I don't want to. These peaks and valleys, these mountain streams and enormous rocks hurt my eyes; they hurt my soul. 但是我不想看。这些山峰和峡谷、山中小溪和巨大岩石不但刺痛了我的眼睛,而且还刺痛了我的心。
6. Because I am married to an Italian citizen, establishing residency was easy. 因为我跟一位意大利公民结了婚,因此申请定居意大利很容易。
7. But, as I walked out of the garage, KFC chicken in hand, a portly, unshaven young man in a stocking cap and dark nylon jacket emerged from the shrub by the parking pad and put his pistol between my eyes. 可是当我手里拿着肯德基炸鸡走出车库时,一个肥壮、留着短髭、头戴绒线帽、身穿深色尼龙夹克的年轻人从停车处旁边的灌木丛中钻出来,把手枪顶在我的双眼之间。
8. But why is he a black man? Why is he a Negro male with a worn T-shirt and shining eyes? Why is he not a white man? 我又想象另一种可能性。当我听见那个声音时,我正带着枪在街上走。那人一定没看见我的枪。
9. For the woman´s eyes immediately lit up and she fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect. 因为那女售货员听完哈里的话后,马上眼睛一亮,拿出几瓶东西放在柜台上让哈里挑选。
10. Wash the speck out without injury to your eyes. 把微粒洗出来,但不能损伤眼睛。