
economic eommission for africa



economic eommission for africa为短语/超纲词汇
1. Economic crisis is the inevitable outcome of the capitalist system.

2. Economic development depends on political stability.

3. Example: the Khoisan people of southern Africa.

4. Beijing is the political , economic and cultural centre of China.

5. But before the Suez Canal was cut in 1869, Asia was also linked to Africa.

6. Back in the good old days of stable economic expansion — the 1950s and 1960s — a person could choose to do something new, exciting, and creative in life but could also choose to say, "That's not for me:

7. We often speak of seven continents, but you can see that Europe, Asia, and Africa are really one lan
    我们经常谈到七大洲, 但你会看到, 欧洲, 亚洲和非洲实际上是一大块陆地.

8. In Africa, in those horrifying encampments one sees on the outskirts of Calcutta and Bombay.

9. In Africa, in those horrifying encampments one sees on the outskirts of Calcutta and Bombay.

10. We often speak of seven continents, but you can see that Europe, Asia, and Africa are really one landmass.
    我们经常谈到七大洲, 但你会看到, 欧洲, 亚洲和非洲实际上是一大块陆地.
