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editor为中学词汇   词频:1946


/'edɪtə(r); `ɛdɪtɚ/
n person who edits (esp abook, newspaper, magazine, radio or television programme) or who is in charge of part of a newspaper 编辑; 编者
*the `sports, financial, `fashion editor 体育、金融、时装栏编辑.


[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Late Latin;Origin:'producer (of books)', from Latin editus; EDITION]
the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine, or part of a newspaper or magazine, and decides what should be included in it
editor of
 the editor of the Daily Telegraph
economics/sports/political etc editor
someone who prepares a book or article for printing by deciding what to include and checking for any mistakes
someone who chooses what to include in a book on a particular subject
 the editor of a book of essays on modern poetry
someone who prepares a film, television programme, or sound recording for broadcasting by deciding what to include and checking for any mistakes
 a TV script editor
someone who reports on a particular subject for a radio or television news programme
 Here is John Simmonds, our Diplomatic Editor, with the latest news.
technical a computer program that allows you to make changes to saved information
copy editor, sub-editor
1. Edward Cornish, editor of " The Futurist " magazine published by the World Future Society, says:

2. Being laid off from work, job loss and recession (衰退) have always affected Walter Cronkite's tone of voice and the editor's page.

3. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it.

4. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written.

5. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.

6. Two years after her successful job interview, the former waitress is now a successful magazine editor.

7. This type of technology evolves out of convenience, says Evan Hendricks (伊万·亨德里克斯), editor of the Privacy Times (《私密时代》) newspaper, but "the dark side is that landlords, employers, and insurance companies could say we won't do business with you
    《私密时代》报纸编辑伊万·亨德里克斯说,为方便起见产生了这门技术,但是,"其不便之处就是房东、雇主或保险公司等会说,我们不会与你谈正事的, 除非你出示该卡。"

8. He got a job as an editor of a newspaper.

9. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor

10. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist.
